What have we been up to lately? The short answer is that we have both returned to full-time work and we are also working hard to keep up with the YouTube channel. Our goal is always to put out a video per week, but working and trying to keep up with the other basics of life have made it difficult to obtain that goal some weeks. We are doing the best we can. There have been days that we have questioned whether we should put the videos on pause for a while, but the channel has picked up a little since our last blog post and we also still have so much content that we want to share! For now, we are going to attempt to keep it up and running, but please be patient with us if we miss a week here or there, and keep your comments and emails coming; it is good motivation for us to continue when we hear that our content is being watched and enjoyed!

While life has been a lot of work and not a lot of play lately, we did manage to get away one weekend in February for a quick trip to Florida to see some of Heather’s family. It is the first time we have all been able to get together since Christmas of 2022, so it was a much needed visit! The weather while we were there was only slightly improved from the snow we left behind in Kentucky. It POURED rain the entire time – with the exception of the morning we left to return home, so that is when we took 30 minutes to walk on the beach and get a few photos. Despite the weather, though, it was a great time. Since the family is spread all across the globe now, we don’t get together as much as we used to. The only goal of this trip was to spend time with some of our favorite people and the weather couldn’t hamper that. We played some spirited card games, made the obligatory family visit to the “brew club” (or brewery for those who don’t speak our family’s ridiculous language), and enjoyed way too much delicious food! It was an exceptional visit and we can’t wait for the next one!
We are sad to not be on the road full-time right now, but are looking forward to getting back in the Bigfoot for a couple of vacations coming up in the next few months. We won’t give away those destinations just yet, but check back in a month or two to find out where we are heading. We also have some time off in early October and would love some suggestions on where we should go! We will only have a week to travel, and of course it will also be in the Bigfoot, so it needs to be somewhere close enough to Kentucky to drive to in that amount of time. What do you think? Where should we go and what should we do? We tend to end up in the same destinations for shorter trips, so we could use some inspiration from you! Leave your suggestions in the comments!
We hope everyone is doing well and that you have had a safe and happy start to 2024! We look forward to all the rest of the year brings!
Until next time!

Hi guys! Me and my husband are on a Bigfoot Facebook group and your YouTube channel was shared the other day (has been previously as well when you did the factory tour) and of course, I totally “fan-girled” ya’ll and sang your praises. You guys are often lauded as being the ONLY YouTubers out there in a Bigfoot actually using one, you’re not sponsored (or maybe you are and you don’t push your stuff on everyone all the time) and you have a good balance of where you travel and highlighting your Bigfoot. We Bigfoot folks are a “rare mix” and always appreciate good content that highlights our brand.
It stinks that y’all are going back to the drudge. Praying ya’ll can find remote work with your unique set of skills. You both seem really gifted and I’m sure you’ll get back out there again. Heck, even if you put your Amazon storefront in your YouTube channel and had a few sponsors, we’d buy on the links. Go for it! My husband is a mechanical engineer as well and oversees engineering projects for many of the manufacturing plants in the US. We’re heading up to the Northwest (we live in TX) so he can visit the plant there and we’ll get in some coastal Oregon time too. There are also engineering remote auditing jobs out there. Just sayin’….haha! I’m retired already (35 years Delta Air Lines) and he plans to retire soon as well.
As for that 1 week in October….hmmmm…maybe a “leaf peeping” trip? But maybe you’ve already done that. There are some amazing Apple harvest festivals and great hiking in the North GA Mountains. Not sure but I know ya’ll will figure it out. Doesn’t matter where you go, we’re subscribed and we’ll be watching. Can’t wait to see what you select!
Lastly, if you “reboot” your YouTube channel, it might be a good time to “rebrand” your channel name. If you plan to stick with a Bigfoot brand (camper or travel trailer) maybe put that in your renaming.
ps – we have a 2024 25RQ Twin with Theatre Seating in the front (no dinette)
Thank you so much for your kind comment and for all the support! We work very hard on our videos and it is nice to know they are being watched and appreciated! Thank you also for talking us up to all your fellow Bigfoot friends.
We also appreciate your suggestions! Unfortunately, we haven’t been approved for an Amazon storefront yet, but we will keep trying. We are, however, Amazon Affiliates which means we get special links that we can post in our video descriptions for the products we use. It is our understanding that if you click those links we make a small amount of money off of your purchases, even if you don’t purchase the particular product we linked. It is basically Amazon’s way of rewarding us for directing you to their site. We are certainly not asking you to do that, but if you are looking for another way to support the channel, it is a good way to do so. There are links in the descriptions of most of our RV related videos.
We have also considered changing the channel name, but are a little hesitant because we don’t want to cause confusion that may result in the loss of viewers. We are still a baby channel and would hate to lose anyone, but it is certainly something we will continue to think about.
It sounds like you are in for a great trip to the northwest. We haven’t spent nearly enough time in that area and will definitely need to return in the future! Have a great trip and let us know how it goes!
Let us know if you are ever traveling through Kentucky. We would love to say hi! And again, thank you for watching and for all the supportive comments!
By the way, brewclub is one word, not two!
We aren’t so sure about that, and the originator of the term isn’t around to ask now. Guess we will never know!