After almost 11 months of continuous and spectacular travel, we were overdue for some family time. We will be returning home to Kentucky very soon, but first, we have some family in Florida that we couldn’t miss visiting!

While we have been gone, Heather’s dad, Gary, and step-mom, Lynne, have moved to the Orlando area. We spent several days with them exploring their new city. We visited several area parks, along with Disney Springs and the Disney Boardwalk. We really liked that parking at Disney Springs is free and you can then use the free transportation system to get most anywhere on the property! That is information we will be sure to file away for future use!

We also got to visit their new house that is currently being built. They should be moving in in just a few weeks and we were sad to not get to experience the finished product, but glad we at least saw the work in progress. We will just have to plan another visit soon so we can see their beautiful new home!

We were all having such a great time that we didn’t pause much to take photos. While we were out exploring the different areas, Heather snapped a few of the area, but we never thought to get a picture together. Oops!

Heather’s sister, Jillien, and her family also live in Florida, in Sarasota. We met up with them halfway one day to have lunch and take a walk. It was definitely not a long enough visit, but it was so, so good to see them!

Finally, while in the area, we drove over to Titusville to watch a rocket launch. There is a nice park that has a great view of the launch pads and we were so excited! It has been on our bucket lists for a long time to get to do this. We took our chairs, hot chocolate, warm jackets (it was windy and chilly!), had the camera all set up and ready to go…and it scrubbed about 30 minutes before launch time. There was a second launch scheduled for three hours later that same night, so we waited a bit to see what would happen with that, and…it also scrubbed. It was quite disappointing, but not to worry…we will try again on our next visit!
We had a great visit to Florida. Missing family and friends has absolutely been the most difficult part of long-term travel for us. We will be heading back to Kentucky for a while in the next week or two, and while we don’t look forward to getting home and all the realities that brings with it, we are excited that it will allow us to spend some time with people we haven’t seen in almost a year!
Until next time!

The big question, of course, is how many pounds of M&Ms you purchased at the store and how many different flavors you tried!
Disney Springs looks like a nice place. I’ll have to go there when I visit in February.
Glad you got some family time!
Sadly, the M&M store didn’t have any flavors that I hadn’t seen in the grocery, and the prices were crazy so I didn’t buy even one! It was really neat seeing the huge wall of them, though!
Wow! Niece Jillian looks just like her aunt Heather.
Good to see yall back on this side of the country.
We’ve heard that a time or two, but I think she looks just like her mama!